- Symbolises
- The Ram
- Represents Element
- Fire
- Represents Color
- Red
Aries is the first astrological sign in the Zodiac; spanning the first 30 degrees of celestial longitude. Aries is a mid-sized Constellation ranking 39th in size among the 88. Most visible in December at 9pm. The Symbol of the Ram represents Male Fertility, Leadership, Abundance, Aggression and courage.
Find out more about the Aries zodiac sign
Name an Aries Star
- Symbolises
- The Bull
- Represents Element
- Earth
- Represents Color
- Green
Taurus the Second Astrological Sign in the Zodiac, One of the most visible constellations in the sky passing through the sky from November to March, at its most visible in January. The symbol of the Bull Represents Strength, Tenacity, Virility and Power.
Find out more about the Taurus zodiac sign
Name a Taurus Star
- Symbolises
- Twins
- Represents Element
- Air
- Represents Color
- Yellow
Gemini, the third astrological sign in the Zodiac symbolizes Twins which is Gemini translated from Latin. The Constellation Gemini is located northeast of Orion, and between Taurus and Cancer and is said to be one of the easiest Constellations to spot in the sky, best seen during February, April and May soon after the sunset from the West.
Find out more about the Gemini zodiac sign
Name a Gemini Star
- Symbolises
- The Crab
- Represents Element
- Water
- Represents Color
- White/Gold
Cancer the Fourth astrological sign in the Zodiac, Cancer lies between the constellations Leo and Gemini and can be seen as a faint upside down Y in the sky. Cancer is most visible in early spring time in the UK (northern hemisphere). Cancer is rich in binary stars. People born within the star sign Cancer are said to be sensitive, Self-protective, defensive, nurturing and able minded to change in both environments and Mind.
Find out more about the Cancer zodiac sign
Name a Cancer Star
- Symbolises
- the Lion
- Represents Element
- Fire
- Represents Color
- Orange/Gold
Leo is the Fifth astrological sign in the Zodiac; Leo represents the Lion, the Leader, the ruler and above all courage and strength. All major cultures perceive and translate the constellation as the Lion, being both highly distinguishable and clear in the sky the Constellation Leo is one of the earliest recognized. Being at its most visible around May and March during the spring equinox.
Find out more about the Leo zodiac sign
Name a Leo Star
- Symbolises
- the Virgin
- Represents Element
- Earth
- Represents Color
- Blue/Beige
Virgo symbolises the Virgin and is the sixth astrological sign in the Zodiac, Virgo is a constellation Rich in Exoplanets (planets orbiting stars). Virgo is the Largest Constellation in the Zodiac and the Second largest overall, Hydra being the Largest. Virgo is most visible during the spring and Summer time. Virgo Represents Fertility, shyness and Ladylike personalities. Virgos Prosper in the Harvesting of personal happiness and peace.
Find out more about the Virgo zodiac sign
Name a Virgo Star
- Symbolises
- the Scales
- Represents Element
- Air
- Represents Color
- pastel Green
Libra represents the Scales and is the Seventh Sign in the astrological Zodiac. Libra is the only Zodiac representing an inanimate object the scales. Libra ranks 29th biggest overall out of the 88 constellations. Libra was once part of the constellation Leo considering the scales to be an upside down set of claws. The Scales Represent Equality, Harmony, Balance, Justice and equilibrium, often considered the most balanced of the star signs people born within the Libra Star sign are said to be driven individuals set on peace and harmony.
Find out more about the Libra zodiac sign
Name a Libra Star
- Symbolises
- the Scorpion
- Represents Element
- Water
- Represents Color
- Gold/Violet
Scorpio represents the Scorpion and is the eighth Astrological sign in the Zodiac. Scorpio is one of the brightest Constellations in the sky, best seen in July. Although Scorpio clearly represents the scorpion it also represents the Eagle people are said to take the traits from either the Eagle or the Scorpion, The eagle represents Vision, intelligence and freedom whereas the scorpion represents Courage, Power and Sexual being.
Find out more about the Scorpius zodiac sign
Name a Scorpius Star
- Symbolises
- the Archer
- Represents Element
- Fire
- Represents Color
- Turquoise/Green
Sagittarius the Ninth astrological sign of the Zodiac represents the Archer. The 15th Largest Constellation out of the 88. Sagittarius is one of the brightest constellations easily seen with the naked eye. The archer symbolises itself as half man half horse (centaur) showing the desire to free itself from human’s animal nature. Sagittarian’s are adventurous, brave and wise.
Find out more about the Sagittarius zodiac sign
Name a Sagittarius Star
- Symbolises
- Goatfish
- Represents Element
- Earth
- Represents Color
- Purple/Brown
Smallest constellation of the zodiac, depicting a fish-tailed goat. In Greek myth it is linked with the goat-like god Pan, who turned his lower half into a fish to escape the sea monster Typhon. Also known as Amalthea who provided for baby Zeus after Rhea saved him from Cronos. The word "cornucopia" comes from the broken horn of Capricorn - or the "horn of plenty."
Find out more about the Capricorn zodiac sign
Name a Capricorn Star
- Symbolises
- the Water Bearer
- Represents Element
- Air
- Represents Color
- Blue
Aquarius, the eleventh astrological sign in the Zodiac represents the Water Bearer. The Constellation Aquarius is the 10th largest out of the 88, Aquarius can be best seen winter time approaching December time. The water bearer represents eternity, equality and love.
Find out more about the Aquarius zodiac sign
Name an Aquarius Star
- Symbolises
- the Fish
- Represents Element
- Water
- Represents Color
- Green/Blue
Pisces is the twelfth astrological sign in the Zodiac and represents The Fish. The constellation is the 14th Largest out of the 88 and is most visible in early autumn. Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions representing an inability to make sure decisions. People born during Pisces are said to be Artistic, Compassionate, and split minded/hesitant.
Find out more about the Pisces zodiac sign
Name a Pisces Star